Wellington/West Lake

As you start planning your 2018 cruises, you may want to add Wellington/West Lake as one of your destinations.  By sailboat the trip is approximately 4 hours from the club so it makes a great place to go for a mini cruise or the start of a trip around the outside of the county.  If you have sailed out to Nicholson Island then you are 3/4 of the way to Wellington!
Once there you have the choice of staying at the Wellington town docks where you have access to the town’s restaurants, or proceeding through a narrow cut into West Lake where you can anchor in the shadow of the sand dunes.   The dunes form a narrow strip of land that separates West Lake from lake Ontario so take along dinghy and go ashore to explore both sides. 
Last year the higher than normal water levels allowed access to boats drawing at least 5 feet to enter the anchorage through out the summer.  Several club members took advantage of this on multiple occasions.
Many thanks to Laurie M. for the majority of the pictures used in this post.