Toronto In-Person Boat Show Cancelled

Organizers of the Toronto International Boat Show have announced that the annual event, scheduled to be held in-person, has cancelled for 2022.

Preparations had already been completed for the Show, with move-in set to begin in less than 30 days. Following months of strategic preparation, North America’s Largest Indoor Boat Show was ready to unveil an all-new re-imagined floorplan. The event was set to showcase more than 300 exhibitors, plus 250 seminars & workshops inside the Enercare Centre at Exhibition Place. 

A new initiative for the show was the launch of a 5000 square foot Boater’s Resource Centre, featuring 15 industry and government organizations. 

The rapidly developing Omicron variant and newly mandated capacity limitations at large events in Ontario meant that the in-person show could not move forward as planned, January 22 – 30. 

The Toronto Boat Show prioritizes the well-being and safety of attendees, exhibitors, and staff!

The announcement by the provincial government stating that all meeting and event spaces that hold more than 1000 people will have their capacity numbers reduced to 50%, effective Saturday, December 18, coupled with health & safety concerns resulted in the cancellation.

We look forward to seeing you in person in 2023 but until that time, let’s stay connected and meet safely at the Virtual Toronto Boat Show – January 26 – 30!