Inclusion Northumberland Sailing Day
July 18, 2024
One day every year the Presqu’ile Yacht Club and its members host a day of sailing for people with disabilities. The Yacht Club partners with Inclusion Northumberland (formerly known as Community Living Campbellford/Brighton) to provide an opportunity for the people supported to have a fun day of sailing, followed by a BBQ lunch.
The yacht club members not only volunteer their time but also their sailboats and pontoon boats. This partnership began 9 years ago, and the participation keeps climbing as more and more people learn about this amazing opportunity. Thursday, July 18th, 2024 marked our 9th year as 41 people participated in the event. This is the highest number of participants to date. You can only imagine how many volunteers and boats it takes to make this a successful day.
Inclusion Northumberland thanks every yacht club member for their continued hospitality and dedication year after year. Every person had a huge part in the success of the day, from the skippers: Al Borg, Gary Williamson, Al Duffin, Tim Duffin, Tom Willison, Brad Chapman, Tom Nelson, Steve Clare, Rob Arbuckle, and Dave McCracken to Bob Hallworth, Allan Hallworth, Logan Moher, Rob Arbuckle and to the sailboat crew Mike Stratton, Bruce Lord, Terry McCracken, David Craig, Logan Moher, Bob Hallworth, and Allan Hallworth. We would also like to acknowledge and thank the amazing people who prepared our lunch. Thank you to: Gabrielle Borg, Mandy Duffin, Carroll Hennessy, John Crow, Paavo Kivisto, Christine Lachapelle, Tricia Skerlen, Lynda Burke, Beth Bruder, Valerie Wheaton, and Phil Allison.
Fred Wardle plays a key factor in ensuring this day is a success. He organizes and prepares the Yacht Club for all of us to come and rallies up the skippers. So thank you Fred for all you do!
See you next year!