Club Cruise to Trenton

“Flying High” with PYC

It was June 25th at 8:30 am when several boats from PYC began their trip to CFB Trenton Yacht Club to watch the Quinte International Air Show. With little wind and lots of sun, seven boats travelled together through the Murray Canal motoring the whole way.

By noon on Saturday June 25th, 15 PYC boats had descended on CFB Trenton Yacht Club. We were welcomed by Rick Tinga, the dock steward Brandy and CFB Trenton club member, Lois. We quickly felt welcomed and invited anyone to our 6:00 pm potluck dinner.  We were all settled on to a dock watching the air show when our final member arrived. With a total of 16 boats and 32 members (give or take), we had a great afternoon watching planes flying overhead, talking to friends and enjoying a few drinks. Most club members found prime seating under the shaded area by the “SailAbility” dock. Others sat comfortable on their boats. It was a great afternoon.

The potluck dinner started at 6:00 pm on the back deck of the Clubhouse. After a short presentation to thank CFB Trenton for having us, a new PYC burgee was presented to Ross Cossar, CFB Trenton Yacht Club Commodore.  Trenton and Presqu’ile members mingled and enjoyed a huge selection of food, including the now famous pork souvlaki, Mike Ryan so generously shared with everyone. We also had 5 members drive in and join us for the dinner. It was great to share stories and food with fellow sailors.

Most members went to bed at a reasonable time but there were a few awake until 1:00 am enjoying themselves. They were enlightened with a 20 minute firework show over Trenton at around 11:00 pm.

Herb and Camilla invited everyone over to their house for Sunday brunch. Fortunately they live on the water and were able to accommodate 4 boats that accepted their offer. Brunch by the pool overlooking the Bay of Quinte was the perfect way to end the trip. As the boats headed home under sail, the Sunday airshow performed overhead. Everyone made it home safe and a good time was had by all.  A big thanks goes to CFB Trenton Yacht Club for accommodating all 16 boats.
